Wakil Ketua MPR RI Ibu Hj. Melani Leimena Suharli menghadiri dan melakukan sambutan pada acara Ernst & Young Entrepreneurial Winning Women 2012 dengan agenda acara The Awards to The Ernts & Young Entrepreneurial Winning Women Class Of Winners Tahun 2012 di Jakarta . Hadir dalam acara ini adalah Miss. Sharon-Loreta Olich, Country Manager Ernts & Young of Indonesia. Berikut beberapa kata sambutan dari Ibu Hj. Melani Leimena Suharli .
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to take this opportunity to give praise and gratitude to Allah, God Almighty; because of his mercy we can attend “The awards of Ernts and Young Enterpreneurial Winning Women Winnes Class of 2012” in good health, Amen.
The Government through Ministry of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises continue to distribute national entrepreneurship movement in increasing the number of Indonesian entrepreneurs from 1.56% to 2%. 2% of the population is the world parameter to decide whether a country has an economic standard. Based on that, Indonesia still needs approximately 1 million entrepreneurs to have strength in economic standard.
According to the Minister for Female Empowerment and Child Protection , the percentage of business women is still below 0.1% (approximately 237 thousands) of the total population of Indonesia which is 237 million people. Based on the data from (Ministry of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises) in 2010, around 60% of UKM is being run by Indonesian women. Women have a very important role in increasing our economy.
According regulation no 20 year 2008 about Small and medium enterprises, one of UMKM definition is an enterprise owned by individual or __________ which fulfill the criteria of small enterprise.
The existence of today's business women creates an entrepreneurial spirit among other women . Most importantly, women is able to be an independent individual who can inspire other people to also be independent.
There is some common strengths that women have related to running a business:
- Firstly, Diligence. Usually women will be more diligent in running a business model, and able to create high value products.
- Secondly, Networking. Women is known to have great people skills which makes it easier for women to create a wide network. Moreover, women could see the business opportunity from networking.
- Thirdly, not easily to give up. When women is faced by challenges in work situation, they don’t easily give up. They would see it as something that they can learn as an experience in running their own business in the future.
Hopefully with all those strength, Indonesian women could successfully develop their business into a larger enterprise.
There’s a big potential for Indonesian women to have roles in business industry. Women population that reaches 49% of total Indonesian population.
Most Indonesian women entrepreneurs are running on the level of UMKM, few of them is running on higher level. Even though the number is still not in a high scale, but women in UMKM is tough and proved to be able to survive during economic crisis in 1998 and 2009.
Most UMKM is run by women including home industry and small businesses that take benefits of skills such as sewing, baking, handicraft, and many more.
Some challenges that are faced by Indonesian women entrepreneurs:
- First, Human resource in being more creative in creating products that can be competitive with other countries, in development and management.
- Second, funding is required to have basic assets and investment in running the business.
- Third, the marketing ability to promote the products in the global market.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have great appreciation to this program held by The Ernst & Young Entrepreneurial Winning Women (EWW) which would like to highlight successful women, give appreciation to those who deserve to get these rewards and inspire other women.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I would congratulate and wish great success to the recipients of “The Ernst & Young Enterpreneural Winning Women (EWW) in 2012. This could be a great motivation for us to continue to empower women in Indonesia to be a strong individual and strengthen our economic growth.